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We represent criminal defense clients with serious matters in State and Federal Courts nationwide.


If you have already been charged or are under investigation please contact us immediately.


Call Now (310) 286-7262 or use the Let's Chat button.


Exceptional, aggressive defense to fight the most serious charges and accusations.


See our "Recent Successes" page for results from a few of our criminal defense cases.

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Sex Crimes

Child Abuse, Child Enticement, Child Exploitation, Child Molestation, Child Pornography, Child Procurement, Date Rape, Exploitation of Minors, Failure to Register, Indecent Exposure, Internet Pornography, Internet Solicitation, Lewd Conduct, Pandering, Prostitution, Rape, Sexual Assault, Sexual Battery, Sexual Imposition, Sodomy, Solicitation, Spousal Rape, Statutory Rape

White Collar Crimes

Accounting Fraud, Bank Fraud, Bankruptcy Fraud, Bribery, Code Compliance Violations, Computer Crime, Conspiracy, Corporations and Individuals, Counterfeiting, Credit Card Fraud, Currency Violations, Embezzlement, Environmental Crimes, Exortion, Forgery, Fraud, Government Fraud, Healthcare Fraud, Import/Export Crimes, Insider Trading, Internal Investigations, Internet Fraud, Internet Theft, Insurance Fraud, Investment Fraud, Laboratory Fraud, Mail Fraud, Medical Fraud, MediCal Fraud, Medicare Fraud, MLM Crimes, Money Laundering, Mortgage Fraud, Organized Fraud, Perjury, Prescription Fraud, Procurement Fraud, Public Corruption, RICO Charges, Securities Fraud, State and Federal Court, Tax Evasion, Tax Fraud, Telecom Fraud, Telemarketing Fraud, Theft, Wire Fraud, Witness Tampering

Federal Crimes

Abusive Sexual Contact, Advocating Overthrow of Government, Aggravated Assault/Battery, Aggravated Identity Theft, Aggravated Sexual Abuse, Aiming a Laser Pointer at an Aircraft, Airplane Hijacking, Anti-racketeering, Antitrust, Armed Robbery, Arson, Assassination, Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Assaulting or Killing Federal Officer, Assisting or Instigating Escape, Attempt to commit Murder/Manslaughter, Bank Burglary, Bankruptcy Fraud/Embezzlement, Bank Larceny, Bank Robbery, Blackmail, Bombing Matters, Bond Default, Breaking and/or Entering Carrier Facilities, Bribery Crimes, Certification of Checks (Fraud), Child Abuse, Child Exploitation, Child Pornography, Civil Action to Restrain Harassment of a Victim or Witness, Coercion, Commodities Price Fixing, Computer Crime, Concealing Escaped Prisoner, Concealing Person from Arrest, Concealment of Assets, Conspiracy (in matters under FBI jurisdiction), Conspiracy to Impede or Injure an Officer, Contempt of Court, Continuing Criminal Enterprise, Conveying False Information, Copyright Matters, Counterfeiting, Counterintelligence Crimes, Credit/Debit Card Fraud, Crime Aboard Aircraft, Crimes on Government Reservations, Crimes on Indian Reservations, Criminal Contempt of Court, Criminal Forfeiture, Criminal Infringement of a Copyright, Cyber Crimes, Damage to Religious Property, Delivery to Consignee, Demands Against the U.S., Destruction of Aircraft or Motor Vehicles Used in Foreign Commerce, Destruction of an Energy Facility, Destruction of Property to Prevent Seizure, Destruction of Records in Federal Investigations and Bankruptcy, Destruction of Corporate Audit Records, Destruction of Veterans’ Memorials, Detention of Armed Vessel, Disclosure of Confidential Information, Domestic Security, Domestic Terrorism, Domestic Violence, Drive-by Shooting, Drug Abuse Violations, Drug Smuggling, Drug Trafficking, DUI/DWI on Federal Property, Economic Espionage, Election Law Crimes, Embezzlement, Embezzlement Against Estate, Entering Train to Commit Crime, Enlistment to Serve Against the U.S., Environmental Scheme Crimes, Escaping Custody/Escaped Federal Prisoners, Examiner Performing Other Services, Exportation of Drugs, Extortion, Failure to Appear on Felony Offense, Failure to Pay Legal Child Support Obligations, False Bail, False Pretenses, False Statements Relating to Health Care Matters, Falsely Claiming Citizenship, False Declarations before Grand Jury or Court, False Entries in Records of Interstate Carriers, False Information and Hoaxes, False Statement to Obtain Unemployment Compensation, Federal Aviation Act, Federal Civil Rights Violations (hate crimes, police misconduct), Female Genital Mutilation, Financial Transactions with Foreign Government, First Degree Murder, Flight to Avoid Prosecution or Giving Testimony, Forced Labor, Forcible Rape, Forgery, Fraud Activity in Connection with Electronic Mail, Fraud Against the Government, Genocide, Hacking Crimes, Harboring Terrorists, Harming Animals Used in Law Enforcement, Hate Crime Acts, Homicide, Hostage Taking, Identity Theft, Illegal Possession of Firearms, Immigration Offenses, Impersonator Making Arrest or Search, Importation of Drugs, Influencing Juror by Writing, Injuring Officer, Insider Trading Crimes, Insurance Fraud, Interference with the Operation of a Satellite, International Parental Kidnapping, International Terrorism, Interstate Domestic Violence, Interstate Violation of Protection Order, Larceny, Lobbying with Appropriated Moneys, Mailing Threatening Communications, Major Fraud Against the U.S., Manslaughter, Medical/Health Care Fraud, Missile Systems Designed to Destroy Aircraft, Misuse of Passport, Misuse of Visas, Permits, or Other Documents, Molestation, Money Laundering, Motor Vehicle Theft, Murder by a Federal Prisoner, Murder Committed During Drug-related Drive-by shooting, Murder Committed in Federal Government Facility, Narcotics Violations, Obstructing Examination of Financial Institution, Obstruction of Court Orders, Obstruction of Federal audit, Obstruction of Justice, Obstruction of Criminal Investigations, Officer Failing to Make Reports, Partial Birth Abortion, Penalties for Neglect or Refusal to Answer Subpoena, Peonage, Perjury, Picketing or Parading, Pirating, Possession by Restricted Persons, Possession of False Papers to Defraud the U.S., Possession of Narcotics, Possession of Child Pornography, Private Correspondence with Foreign Government, Probation Violation, 

Juvenile Dependency

Adjudications, Dispositions

Juvenile Delinquency

Adjudications, Dispositions, Fitness Hearings, Informal Probation, Sealing of Records

Federal Crimes (continued)

Product Tampering, Prohibition of Illegal Gambling Businesses, Prostitution, Protection of Foreign Officials, Public Corruption Crimes, Racketeering, Radiological Dispersal Devices, Ransom Money, Rape, Receiving the Proceeds of Extortion, Recording or Listening to Grand or Petit Juries While Deliberating, Reentry of an Alien Removed on National Security Grounds, Registration of Certain Organizations, Reproduction of Citizenship Papers, Resistance to Extradition Agent, Rescue of Seized Property, Retaliating Against a Federal Judge by False Claim or Slander of Title, Retaliating Against a Witness, Victim, or an Informant, Robbery, Robberies and Burglaries Involving Controlled Substances, Sabotage, Sale of Citizenship Papers, Sale of Stolen Vehicles, Searches Without Warrant, Second Degree Murder, Serial Murders, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Abuse of a Minor, Sexual Assault, Sexual Battery, Sexual Conduct with a Minor, Sexual Exploitation, Sex Trafficking, Shoplifting, Smuggling, Solicitation to Commit a Crime of Violence, Stalking (In Violation of Restraining Order), Stolen Property; Buying, Receiving, or Possessing, Subornation of Perjury, Suits Against Government Officials, Tampering with a Witness, Victim, or Informant, Tampering with Consumer Products, Tampering with Vessels, Theft of Trade Secrets, Torture, Trafficking in Counterfeit Goods or Services, Transmission of Wagering Information (Gambling), Transportation into State Prohibiting Sale, Transportation of Slaves from U.S., Transportation of Stolen Vehicles, Transportation of Terrorists, Trespassing, Treason, Unauthorized Removal of Classified Documents, Use of Fire or Explosives to Destroy Property, Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Vandalism, Video Voyeurism, Violation of Prohibitions Governing Atomic Weapons, Violence at International airports, Violent Crimes in Aid of Racketeering Activity, Willful Wrecking of a Train Resulting in Death, Wire Fraud

Federal Agencies

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), United States Secret Service, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), United States Postal Service (USPS), Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), United States Attorneys Office, United States Marshal's Service, Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of the IRS

Computer / Internet Crimes

Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Child Enticement, Child Exploitation, Child Pornography, Child Procurement, Computer Crime, Credit Card Fraud, Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of the IRS, Currency Violations, Department of Homeland Security (DHS)Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Embezzlement, Exploitation of Minors, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)Internet Pornography, Internet Fraud, Internet Theft, Insider Trading, Investment Fraud, Solicitation of Prostitution, United States Attorneys Office, United States Marshal's ServiceUnited States Postal Service (USPS)United States Secret Service

Drug Crimes

Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Child Enticement, Child Exploitation, Child Pornography, Child Procurement, Computer Crime, Credit Card Fraud, Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of the IRS, Currency Violations, Cultivation, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Distribution, Drug Cultivation, Drug Distribution, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Drug Importation, Drug Manufacturing, Drug Trafficking, Drug Transportation, Embezzlement, Exploitation of Minors, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Internet Pornography, Internet Fraud, Internet Theft, Insider Trading, Investment Fraud, Possession for Sale, Solicitation of Prostitution, United States Attorneys Office, United States Marshal's ServiceUnited States Postal Service (USPS), United States Secret Service


DMV hearings, DMV license suspensions, DUI court proceedings

Felony DUI with Injuries

Multiple Priors, Underage Drivers, Refusal Cases, DMV Hearings

General Criminal Trial Practice

Felonies and Misdemeanors, Murder, Assault and Battery, Sex Crimes, Date Rape, Computer Offenses, Thefts and Shoplifting, Narcotics Offenses, Domestic Violence, Weapons Offenses

Immigration Issues

Motions to Set Aside, Convictions / Withdraw Pleas, Nunc Pro Tunc Orders, Writs of Habeas Corpus/Coram Nobis

Miscellaneous Crimes

Aiding/Abetting Arms Trafficking, Conspiracy, Extradition, Hit and Run, Obstruction of Justice, Perjury, Shoplifting, Stalking

Post Conviction

Certificates of Rehabilitation, Governor's Pardon, Changes of Plea, Expungements, Motions for a New Trial, Parole and Probation, Plea Withdrawals, Reductions, Felony to Misdemeanor, Misdemeanor to Infraction, Sentence Modifications, Writs of Habeas Corpus, Writs of Mandamus

Violent Crimes

Armed Criminal Action, Armed Robbery, Arson, Assault and Battery, Burglary, Carjacking, Child Abuse, Conspiracy, Criminal Threats, Depraved Indifference, Domestic Violence, Firearms Offenses, Hate Crimes, Hit and Run, Kidnapping, Manslaughter, Mayhem, Murder, Obstruction, Robbery, Stalking, Terrorism Charges, Terrorist Threats, Third-Stike Cases, Second and Third Strikes Cases, Vehicular Manslaughter, Weapons Offenses



The Salerno Criminal Law Group is a nationally recognized criminal defense law firm. We have successfully resolved the full range of serious criminal cases in both State and Federal courts nationwide.


We have represented numerous high-profile and celebrity clients throughout the country. While we strongly prefer to resolve all such cases as discreetly and privately as possible, we are savvy in using any unavoidable media coverage to our clients’ best advantage.


We proactively investigate and work to persuade the prosecuting agency to reject a case outright. If that is not going to happen we do everything possible to persuade the DA or the USA to proceed with alternatives in lieu of formal prosecution. These alternatives include non-prosecution agreements, corporate integrity agreements, certification of compliance agreements, office hearings, deferred prosecution agreements, informal deferred entry of judgment agreements and civil compromises.


If the case does end up in court we prepare thoroughly and thoughtfully. We identify all points of leverage, seek to understand all the collateral issues important to the clients.


Trials make sense in two situations: where the prosecution’s proposed settlement is so poor that the client risks little by going to trial, or where the client’s cases is very strong and the consequences of losing at trial are outweighed by a high likelihood of success. Preparation and poise under pressure are often the keys to victory.


It is not enough to get the best results. It is equally important that clients understand what is happening every step of the way and that they feel they have been listened to and been well respected.


The philosophy of the Salerno Criminal Law Group is to provide the very best representation possible, acknowledging that our dogged determination is often regarded as quite aggressive, forceful and unbending when it comes to championing our client’s cause. Although we don’t look for a fight, we never back down from one either.


Of course, the ultimate goal in every criminal matter is that charges do not get filed. If that cannot happen then we strive to get the case dismissed altogether, or obtaining an acquittal at trial. For many reasons many cases are in fact resolved through plea agreements, but in those instances we are relentless in our pursuit of the very best outcome for our client. We pride ourselves on having obtained numerous plea bargains where our clients did no jail time whatsoever, yet were facing dire consequences before our intervention. 


Since our inception, the Salerno Criminal Law group has been fortunate to establish a number of vital, strategic relationships with some of the very finest criminal defense lawyers throughout the country, some of whom began their careers as prosecutors, either in their local District Attorneys Offices or those of the United States Attorney. These alliances, let by Anthony Salerno, have proven time and again to be a dynamic combination resulting in very satisfied and grateful clients.


The Salerno Criminal Law Group recognizes that you may need help anytime of the day of night, as well as weekends and holidays. As such, we are available 24/7: (310) 286-7262.




Mr. Barshop is a former Assistant Head Deputy in the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office, the second highest position in the D.A.'s Office below the elected District Attorney. Mr. Barshop's vast experience and connections within the D.A.'s Office provide an invaluable asset to the firm.

Formerly the director the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Crime Lab Forensic Alcohol Testing Unit, Mr. Beckner has testified thousands of times in DUI cases.

Det. Salerno (no relation to Mr. Salerno) is a former LASD Homicide Detective, and was responsible for solving two of the most infamous serial killer cases in the history of the United States, the Hillside Strangler and the Nightstalker.

Capt. Scully is a former LASD Detective and Captain. His investigative skill and connections in law enforcement are unparalleled.

Besides having been a former LAPD Detective, Colonel Jakucs is a decorated combat veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps.

Dr. Dietz is one of the foremost forensic psychiatrists in the United States. Dr. Dietz is famous for his testimony in such high profile cases as the Jeffrey Dahmer and the Andrea Yates cases.

Dr. Vicary is also one of the foremost forensic psychiatrists at work today. He is most famous for his work in the Eric and Lyle Menendez case.

Sgt. D'Amico, a decorated law enforcement veteran, has testified hundreds of times in narcotics cases.

Mr. Bragman is the foremost damage control public relations expert at work today. His clients have included many celebrities, and he has provided commentary on nearly every major media network.



Mailing Address: 400 Continental Blvd., 6th Floor, El Segundo, CA 90245​
Phone:  (310) 286-7262


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